
The Campo Vegetable Biotechnology Center is a national private-equity company thatwas founded in 1991 in the Brazilian city of Paracatu, in the State of Minas Gerais, withthe goal of offering to Brazilian farmers high quality seedlings that could meet thecompetitive quality standards of national and international markets.

The Centercontributes to the strengthening of sustainable agriculture from a social, economic, andenvironmental perspective, through the use of modern biotechnology tools. In 1998, upon invitation by EMBRAPA – The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, the Center entered into a partnership, and, jointly with the “Bahia Agriculture and Livestock Development Company – EBDA”, the Center’s first subsidiary was created. The “Biofactory”, as it was called, was established in Cruz das Almas, in the State of Bahia. A technical cooperation contract with “Embrapa Cassava and Fruticulture” gave validity and enabled access to the technology developed by EMBRAPA for the production of new banana and pineapple hybrids that are resistant to the most common pests and diseases to affect these two crops in Brazil.

The Vegetable Biotechnology Center provides all the necessary information to harden-off seedlings for outdoor planting.


Sales Technical Assistance Service

which farmers may acquire when purchasing seedlings. Campo’s technical team performs this service, which basically consists of monitoring seedling growth from the moment that the seedlings are delivered to the nursery up until the first harvest, thus ensuring the success of the farmers’ investment.

The seedlings are grown under controlled conditions, such as temperature, humidity, luminosity, and radiation

by micro propagation through the induction of in vitro multiplication cycles, from meristematic tissue extracted from the mother plants, which are rigorously selected and tested for viruses.

Technical Solutions

The Advantages of using micropropagated seedlings

  • Stronger seedlings with a high genetic value
  • Easy handling and transportation
  • 2% maximum somaclonal variation
  • Seedlings that are produced in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA).
  • Large scale production of seedlings in a short amount of time, making it possible to provide the necessary amount of seedlings and at the necessary frequency to meet the planting needs of farmers.
  • Uniformity in the development of the seedlings, which allows for uniformity in their planting and harvest synchronization;
  • Faster initial growth, which reduces the amount of crop care needed as well as the amount of time until they can be harvested.
  • An increase in production of about 30% when compared to the conventional method.
  • Seedlings that are free from pests and diseases.

Technical Solutions and Trade

Campo Vegetable Biotechnology Center delivers seedlings all over the country, giving farmers in the most faraway reaches of Brazil access to the improved hybrids produced by Embrapa – The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, which are resistant to most common pests. In this manner, CAMPO provides an important contribution to the sustainability of the many Brazilian regions that are fully dependent on the cultivation of fruits which are usually drastically affected by harmful pests.​
  • Developed by Embrapa – The Brazilian Agricultural Research
    Corporation Cassava and Fruiticulture, it is a tetraploid hybrid created from “Pacovan”, AAAB group, with a very vigorous dark-green-colored pseudostem with
    dark spots. It grows into a tall plant, which displays a banana bunch that is more or
    less cylindrical in shape, a clear male rachis and a medium-sized male bud. The banana fruits it produces are large and deeply ridged, larger and sweeter than the
    “Pacovan” bananas, and have bottleneck-shaped endings. This cultivar is resistant to Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot disease, Black Sigatoka disease(also known as black leaf streak), and to Panama disease.
  • is a tetraploid hybrid that belongs to the AAAB group, Prata type, tall in height, developed by Embrapa Cassava and Fruiticulture. Most of the characteristics it displays, both in its development and in yield, are similar to those of the “Pacovan” cultivar (Prata mutation). This cultivar is resistant to Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot disease, Black Sigatoka disease (also known as black leaf streak), and to Panama disease.
  • tetraploid hybrid (AAAB), developed by Embrapa Cassava and Fruiticulture’s Genetic Improvement Program. It is similar in build to the “Pacovan” cultivar, and has the advantage of being resistant to Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot disease, Black Sigatoka disease (also known as black leaf streak), Panama disease, and to post-harvest anthracnose.
  • Tetraploid hybrid (AAAB), developed by Embrapa Cassava and
    Fruticulture’s Genetic Improvement Program. Most of the characteristics it displays,
    both in its development and in yield, are superior to those of the “Prata” cultivar and
    very similar to those of “Pacovan” cultivar. It is superior to both of these cultivars
    when it comes to its reaction to diseases, as it is resistant to Yellow Sigatoka leaf
    spot disease, Black Sigatoka disease (also known as black leaf streak), and
    Panama disease.
  • Tetraploid hybrid (AAAB), developed by Embrapa. It has a similar structure to “Pacovan” and has the advantage of being resistant to the Yellow and the Black Sigatoka diseases, as well as the Panama disease.
  • Key features include its resilency, low-maintence and productivity. Its fruit
    is larger than the ones of the “Prata” (Silver) variety, a bit more acidic, and with
    ridges that remain even after the fruit is fully mature.
  • A hybrid of “Prata Anã” (Silver dwarf) from Honduras that was selected by Embrapa Cassava and Fruticulture. It is a tetraploid that belongs to the AAAB group, and its most important characteristic is its resistance to Black Sigatoka
  • Also known as “Enxerto” (Grafting), a vigorous plant that has a high productivity potential and that is resistant to lodging. It is the most planted cultivar in Brazil of the “Prata” (Silver) variety.

Tetraploid hybrid (AAAB) developed by Embrapa Cassava and Fruticulture, created by breeding the “Prata Anã” (Silver Dwarf) cultivar with the diploid M53 (AA). It displays good tillering and is medium-sized. It displays characteristics, both in development and yield, similar to those of the “Prata Anã” (Silver Dwarf) cultivar. Its fruits also resemble those of that cultivar in shape, size, and flavor, but should be eaten when their peel is a bit greener. The BRS Platina differs from the “Prata Anã” (Silver Dwarf) in that it is resistant to Yellow Sigatoka disease and Panama disease. It displays good levels of productivity.

    • AAB group cultivar, very similar to the “Mysore” cultivar, with a vigourous pseudostem, medium-to-tall in height, of a redish-green color with dark spots. The borders of the petiole are red. The banana bunch is practically cylindrical
      in shape. The fruits vary from small to medium in size, and are extremely similar to those of the “Maçã” (Apple), they have only a few ridges and a sweet flavor, but when consumed before the ideal time they taste astringent. The cultivar is resistant to both the Yellow and the Black Sigatoka diseases, to the Panama disease, and to the banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) insect pest.

AAA Group Cultivar, thin pseudostem, medium-to-large in size, yellowish green in colour, with dark spots and erect leaves. The banana bunch is almost cylindrical in shape. The bananas are short and thick, with few ridges, and are very sweet when ripe. The cultivar is resistant to both the Yellow and the Black Sigatoka diseases, as well as to the Panama disease.

Seleção dentro do subgrupo “Cavendish”, também conhecida como “Banana d água”, apresentam frutos delgados, longos, encurvados, de cor amarelo-esverdeado ao amadurecer, com polpa muito doce e que são usados na exportação. Possui tolerância ao mal-do-Panamá.

A mais nobre para os brasileiros apresenta casca mais fina e polpa clara e suave, que lembra a maçã. Alcança excelentes preços no mercado. Susceptível ao mal-do-Panamá.

Gerado na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura é híbrido tetraploide (AAAB), resultante da bananeira diploide M53 (AA) e a cultivar triploideYangambi n° 2 (AAB). Apresenta a maioria das suas características, tanto de desenvolvimento quanto de produtividade, semelhantes a cultivar “Maçã”, sua concorrente direta. Possui a vantagem de ser tolerante ao mal-do-Panamá, além de manter a resistência à Sigatoka-amarela presente na ‘”Maçã”.

Híbrido tetraploide (AAAB), gerado na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, resultante do cruzamento da variedade “Yangambi n° 2” com o diploide (AA)M53. Apresenta características, tanto no desenvolvimento quanto no rendimento, semelhantes às da cultivar “Maçã”. Resistente a Sigatoka-amarela e tolerante ao mal-do-Panamá.

It has large fruits, with prominent corners, which are consumed boiled or fried.

Contact Us

  • Embrapa street (no number) – PO Box 007 | Chapadinha Neighborhood | ZIP Code: 44.380-000 Cruz das Almas – BA
  • +55 (75) 3621 6286
  • +55 (61) 3248-7243
  • +55 (75) 3312-8084
  • +55 (75) 9154-1484 (TIM)
  • +55 (75) 8864-2540 (Oi)