Kotlin eases the coding process as it is simpler than Java and has many features required, that is not provided by Java yet like Extension functions, Null Safety, range expressions etc. Kotlin had a pretty busy year in 2017. So if the bundle is not null, you know you're "re-creating" the activity from a previously known point. Because the system keeps this bundle in RAM, it's a best practice to keep the data in the bundle small. There's one more thing left to do to ensure that the app returns from a shutdown exactly the way it was left. If you don’t have control over the Java code, or too hard to make the change, always assume all objects from Java can be null. This codelab is part of the Android Kotlin Fundamentals course. Any programmer can read this code and know that request is not null if a call to validate doesn’t throw an exception. If you see a lot of output that begins with Android Debug Bridge version X.XX.X and ends with tags to be used by logcat (see logcat --help), everything is fine. This tricky edge case is important to understand. Your app appears in recents whether it has been put into the background or has been stopped altogether. If instead you see adb: command not found, make sure the adb command is available in your execution path. However, if we have something as below, no warning will be shown. Because your app was in the background, nothing shows on the device or emulator screen to indicate that your process has been stopped. Groovy is not statically-typed, so there are no Null Pointer issues. But when you use the lifecycle library, the component itself watches for lifecycle changes, then does what's needed when those changes happen. But to the user, it doesn't look like the app has been closed. Oh, it crash when trying to get an Int? Hence let is inevitably being understood that it is the replacement of null … thought in the above case it will behave the same. The size of this bundle is also limited, though the size varies from device to device. The system saves this data now because if it waited until it was shutting down your app, the OS might be under resource pressure. Then, in the Kotlin code, it will complain during compile time if assign that function to a non-nullable variable in Kotlin. In the lifecycle observer class, annotate lifecycle-aware methods with the lifecycle state change they are interested in. How to set up, start, and stop parts of your app in the lifecycle callbacks. Q16 - What is Kotlin’s Null Safety ? You look at a few options in the next steps. Android takes the state of some of your views and saves it in a bundle whenever you navigate away from the activity. {, fun Bundle.getDataOrNull(key: String): T? The test for null determines whether there is data in the bundle, or if the bundle is null, which in turn tells you if the app has been started fresh or has been re-created after a shutdown. You can put primitive values, such as int and boolean values, into the bundle. Another option is, use MOSHI, the Kotlin specific version of JSON Serializer. Saving the data each time ensures that update data in the bundle is available to restore, if it is needed. During the phone call, you should stop computing the positions of objects in the physics simulation. Notice that the timer has stopped running, as expected. There’s no point in optimizing code when comparing to null explicitly. Note: In some cases, such as music playback, you want to keep the thing running. Do setup and teardown in corresponding methods. Click the cupcake a few times, and rotate the device or emulator. When your activity is restarted due to a process shut-down, the bundle that you saved is passed to onCreate(). The app still appears in the recents screen and should restart in the same state in which the user left it. The library flips around the way lifecycles work: Usually the activity or fragment tells a component (such as DessertTimer) what to do when a lifecycle callback occurs. The other approach is, use as?, whereby when the casting is not successful, a null value is given instead of crashing. : "", class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {, override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) Notice in Logcat the timer starts up again from where it left off because we called. let takes the object it is invoked upon as the parameter and returns the result of the lambda expression. Int is different from as Int? Never use intent before onCreate! var s1: String = "Geeks" s1 = null // compilation error. When the OS restarts your app for you, Android tries its best to reset your app to the state it had before. In this task, you simulate an Android process shutdown and examine what happens to your app when it starts up again. Click Home to stop the app. Your app contains a physics simulation that requires heavy computation to display. 5. The activity is resumed after returning from the background. As there is no constructor as String (“”) in Kotlin, all string comparison will give true if the content will be equal. If it is, it does a referential check of the right item for null. From my perspective, this is a great tradeoff. So we can write the below code, and compile fine. Here's how you can create a secondary constructor in Kotlin: Use the Android lifecycle library to shift lifecycle control from the activity or fragment to the actual component that needs to be lifecycle-aware. There are other issues when interfacing between Java and Kotlin, check out. Then it will only be accessed after onCreate. var variable : CustomClass = CustomClass () variable = null //compilation error So looks like the below code should be safe and good. Less boilerplate, more expressive code and, yes, it is null safe – if you choose the path of avoiding torture. To my knowledge, this is the most elegant way of using Gson with Kotlin and achieving the described behavior, as well as a pretty lean way of achieving this behavior in general (even with free choice of library), as we don’t need to include the kotlin-reflect library for it. But because onRestoreInstanceState() is called after onStart(), if you ever need to restore some state after onCreate() is called, you can use onRestoreInstanceState(). Select, Compile and run the app. The onSaveInstanceState() method is the callback you use to save any data that you might need if the Android OS destroys your app. : If reference to a val is not null, use the value, else use some default value that is not null; Differentiate between Nullable and Non-nullable References. When KSP-based plugins process source programs, constructs like classes, class members, functions, and associated parameters are easily accessible for the processors, while things like if blocks and for loops are not. at all. Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android which aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services. We can convert the JSON to Java or Kotlin Class Object. In that case, we need to specify a Null object, need to specifically write ‘Null’ and need to have some special handling to handle that Null. Kotlin let is a scoping function wherein the variables declared inside the expression cannot be used outside. This is not really a null crash, but still, a crash that almost like a null. There's only one timer, so stopping the timer is not difficult to remember. There are other modern JSON libraries out there (e.g. There are three main parts of the lifecycle library: In this task, you convert the DessertClicker app to use the Android lifecycle library, and learn how the library makes working with the Android activity and fragment lifecycles easier to manage. Refer to this StackOverflow. With the above as? For example, if you have a custom variable like revenue in the DessertClicker app, the Android OS doesn't know about this data or its importance to your activity. It seems like the only way to null crash during runtime in Kotlin is to use !! Generally you should store far less than 100k, otherwise you risk crashing your app with the TransactionTooLargeException error. It will just replace the code during compilation to access the view cache, cast it to the proper type and call the method. The approach to work with null values in kotlin is very pragmatic, you get compiler validation at the expense of not using null values unless explicitly stating it using special syntax which in turn makes you want to avoid them as much as possible and at it, preventing unwanted NullPointerExcepetions. To make a class lifecycle-aware through the Android lifecycle library, which interface should the class implement? 5. This method relies on the number of desserts sold to choose the right image. That means You have the ability to declare whether a variable can hold a null value or not. Notice that the timer starts running, as you would expect. A configuration change can also occur when the device language changes or a hardware keyboard is plugged in. If your activity was starting fresh, this bundle in onCreate() is null. Observation enables classes (such as DessertTimer) to know about the activity or fragment lifecycle, and start and stop themselves in response to changes to those lifecycle states. The language uses plain old null. Most of the time, you restore the activity state in onCreate(). In MainActivity, uncomment the onSaveInstanceState() method, run the app, click the cupcake, and rotate the app or device. It's called every time your app goes into the background. Use the recents screen to return to the app. Notice that the key you used here (KEY_REVENUE) is the same key you used for putInt(). In the last codelab, you learned about the Activity and Fragment lifecycles, and you explored the methods that are called when the lifecycle state changes in activities and fragments. To make sure you use the same key each time, it is a best practice to define those keys as constants. How to use the Android lifecycle library to create a lifecycle observer, and make the activity and fragment lifecycle easier to manage. For example, if your user is using a GPS app to help them catch a bus, it's important to render that GPS app quickly and keep showing the directions. That means you can leave out null checks when doing comparisons using ==. So when we println(myObj.myString.length), it will null crash . * fun main (args: Array) { //sampleStart var max: Int by Delegates.notNull () // … The activity goes through the entire set of startup lifecycle callbacks, including. Compile and run your app. If we cast something that will not successful, it will complain as below. For example, a normal property can’t hold a null value and will show a compile error. Since the FragmentActivity superclass implements LifecycleOwner, there's nothing more you need to do to make your activity lifecycle-aware. This section lists possible homework assignments for students who are working through this codelab as part of a course led by an instructor. Lateinit is allowed for non-primitive data types only and the variable can't be of null … The code below shows both approaches: Use the recents screen to return to the app. It can only be used during or after onCreate. By supporting nullability in the type system, the compiler can detect possible NullPointerException errors at compile time and reduce the possibility of having them thrown at runtime. Compile and run your app again. The change is designed to open up more possibilities for null check optimizations by the Kotlin compiler or bytecode processing tools such as the Android R8 optimizer. You can rotate the emulator left or right with the rotation buttons, or with the, Examine the output in Logcat. In that bundle, you're already storing the number of desserts sold. If you are not sure about the nullability of your lateinit variable then you can add a check to check if the lateinit variable has been initialized or not by using isInitialized: if(this::courseName.isInitialized) { // access courseName } else { // some default value } NOTE: To use a lateinit variable, your variable should use var and NOT val. It got selected as a candidate for the programming language of the year. Retrofit automatically serializes the JSON response using a POJO(Plain Old Java Object) which must be defined in advanced for the JSON Structure. But one of the Android OS's main concerns is keeping the activity that's in the foreground running smoothly. Notice this time the dessert data is retained across activity rotation. For links to other codelabs in this course, see the Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelabs landing page. Let’s start with the representation. But also notice that the dessert has returned to a cupcake. Notice that the timer has started running, as expected. – Kotlin Interview Question. Being in Android, I now can build something really generic to cast it to the type of the target object. Spring or Vert.x. To run Java annotation processors unmodified, KAPT compiles Kotlin code into Java stubs that retain information that Java annotation processors care about. Copy and paste this comment into the command line and press Return: This command tells any connected devices or emulators to send a STOP message to terminate the process with the dessertclicker package name, but only if the app is in the background. For example, the @OnLifecycleEvent(Lifecycle.Event.ON_START)annotation indicates that the method is watching the onStart lifecycle event. Cannot do much if you’re using GSON. The Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command-line tool that lets you send instructions to emulators and devices attached to your computer. In this task, you explore a more complex example of managing lifecycle tasks in the DessertClicker app. Use the recents screen to return to the app. Kotlin supports nullability as part of its type System. There's one last special case in managing the activity and fragment lifecycle that is important to understand: how configuration changes affect the lifecycle of your activities and fragments. ((TextView)this._$_findCachedViewById(id.welcomeMessage)).setText((CharSequence)"Hello Kotlin! Your app is now stopped, and the app is subject to being closed if Android needs the resources that the app is using. In this codelab, you expand on the DessertClicker app from the previous codelab. Note now that both the values for desserts told, total revenue, and the dessert image are correctly restored. Consider, for example, storing a reference to a view in a property. This new class definition does two things: Your MainActivity class is already a lifecycle owner through object-oriented inheritance. Just be careful. But for our code above, we clearly set someAny to null, and when running it, it will null crash . How Android process shutdowns affect the data in your app, and how to save and restore that data automatically when Android closes your app. Therefore, you don't need to do anything to store a reference to the image in the bundle in onSaveInstanceState(). This is because there’s still possible that an Int? sounds like a great protection against any crash. If you don't see the listof templates in this menu, first open the Projectwindow, and select yourapp module. Some examples of data that's automatically saved are the text in an EditText (as long as they have an ID set in the layout), and the back stack of your activity. "); So the properties are not real, the plugin is not generating a property per view. If we try to assign null to the variable, it gives compiler error. In Kotlin, we use as to cast from one type to the other. The lateinit keyword allows you to explicitly state that a variable is never null when it is read, even if it does not immediately contain a value. It's up to the instructor to do the following: Instructors can use these suggestions as little or as much as they want, and should feel free to assign any other homework they feel is appropriate. 6. For instructions, see "Add adb to your execution path" in the Utilities chapter. Google announced official support for the language on Android. In Android Studio, click the Run tab to see the onStop() method called. a == null will be automatically translated to a === null as null is a … Open app launcher in your device/emulator and select. Notice that the timer does. You'll get the most value out of this course if you work through the codelabs in sequence. In Kotlin, we code approximately 40% less number of code lines as compared with Java. How device rotation and other configuration changes create changes to lifecycle states and affect the state of your app. Kotlin also has an unsafe operator to get a value of a nullable field without handling absence logic explicitly, but it should be used very carefully. Compile and run your app, and open Logcat. If you set up or start something in a lifecycle callback, stop or remove that thing in the corresponding callback. Compile and run the app, and note that if you rotate the device, the current value of the dice is lost. The == operator will call the equals function as long as the item on the left isn’t null. Continue through the wizard. In Kotlin, there is no additional overhead. In other words, it’s impossible for our println instruction to throw a NullPointerException. Android Studio project: DessertClickerFinal. This regulation includes limiting the amount of processing that apps in the background can do, and sometimes even shutting down your entire app process. And Kotlin, since version 1.3, provides its own way way for serializing to and from JSON (and other formats, like protobuf - … By stopping the thing, you make sure it doesn't keep running when it's no longer needed. One of the nice bit of Kotlin compared to Java is its ability to handle nullability. In onSaveInstanceState(), put the revenue value (an integer) into the bundle with the putInt() method: The putInt() method (and similar methods from the Bundle class like putFloat() and putString() takes two arguments: a string for the key (the KEY_REVENUE constant), and the actual value to save. Unfortunately, the compiler is unaware of that and doesn’t allow us to reference request.arg. What happens to your app and its data if Android shuts down that app while it is in the background? (You can download the app here if you don't have it.) By running the above, it will convert to JSON to MyData. You don't need to know about these things for this codelab (although you learn more about threads in a later codelab). In Android Studio, click the. In this step, you use adb to close your app's process and see what happens when Android shuts down your app. In this codelab, you will explore the activity lifecycle in greater detail. The activity is restarted after the device is rotated. Notice MainActivity subclasses from AppCompatActivity, which in turn subclasses from FragmentActivity. Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelabs landing page, Handling Lifecycles with Lifecycle-Aware Components. Still, Kotlin has to live in the world where Java was king, and on Android the Activity lifecycle further complicates things. To add Kotlin to your project, do the following: 1. A configuration change happens when the state of the device changes so radically that the easiest way for the system to resolve the change is to completely shut down and rebuild the activity. The major advantages of KSP over KAPT are improved build performance, not tied to JVM, a more idiomatic Kotlin API, and the ability to understand Kotlin-only symbols. Note: this is not a null crash to be specific, but a casting crash… it looks like one though . You use a timer that prints a log statement every second, with the count of the number of seconds it has been running. Filter the output on. If you are using Android API 29 or earlier, you can get your String from the Intent as below. Click the cupcake a few times. Start the next lesson: ViewModel and ViewModelFactory. You use getInt() to get data out of the bundle, just as you used putInt() to put data into the bundle. Click File > New, and choose one of the various Android templates, suchas a new blank Fragment, as shown in figure 1. Your app's process is simply shut down, silently, in the background. Notice that onCreate() gets a Bundle each time it is called. In the lifecycle callback diagram, onSaveInstanceState() is called after the activity has been stopped. {, How to Create Notification Badges With Google Bottom Navigation Bar, Using Accessibility Best Practices in Android Development, Kotlin and Retrofit 2: Tutorial with working codes, Paging3 — Doing Recyclerview Pagination the Right Way, Hacking Android Application: Secret Diary, Deploying Android Emulators on AWS EC2 [1/3] | ARM Architecture and Genymotion | Solutions for a…, Problem With the Background Location in Flutter. Android regulates apps running in the background so that the foreground app can run without problems. At the top of the file, just before the class definition, add these constants: Repeat the same process with the number of desserts sold, and the status of the timer: A string that acts as the key, for example. Having the timer continue may unnecessarily use computing resources on your phone, and probably not the behavior you want. All the course codelabs are listed on the Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelabs landing page. ? With this, the same code now works cleanly without crash. operator is used during variable declaration for the differentiation. Use the recents screen to return to the app. The API models Kotlin program structures at the symbol level according to Kotlin grammar. lateinit var myView: View This implies a certain rigor on your part to make sure no scenario exists where that condition could be violated. Compile and run the app. Notice in Logcat that the timer restarts from 0. Whereas, in Kotlin, nulls do not exist unless otherwise stated. When you set up a resource in a lifecycle callback, also tear the resource down. A key part of the lifecycle library is the concept of lifecycle observation. Elye. Secondary constructors are not that common in Kotlin. Kotlin compiler throws NullPointerException immediately if it found any null argument is passed without executing any other statements. Which of the following is true? Then the user gets a phone call. See Processes and threads for more details if you are interested. Compile and run the app, and open the Logcat. How can that be? The timer stops running, as you would expect. One way to workaround is to consider using by lazy. If Android shut down your app, why didn't it save your state? But in the Kotlin’s code, it doesn’t require us to have ? This will remove the possibility of one forget to assign it. Moshi ). When your app goes into the background, it's not destroyed, it's only stopped and waiting for the user to return to it. For example, Android limits the amount of processing that apps running in the background can do. explicitly. To make it more elegant, we can use reified. It’s better to check for the type first before casting it. Communicate to students how to submit homework assignments. During the phone call, you should continue computing the positions of objects in the physics simulation. The library is especially useful in cases where you have to track many moving parts, some of which are at different lifecycle states. To be safer, you can gracefully handle it as per. Of course, the solution is to initialize it. The user cannot tell if the system has shut down an app in the background. Alterna… takes a value from a nullable reference and throws a NullPointerException if it holds null. Ideally, the Java code should be annotated with @Nullable. It's less important to keep the DessertClicker app, which the user might not have looked at for a few days, running smoothly in the background. Implement onSaveInstanceState() to retain that value in the bundle, and restore that value in onCreate(). It checks it using a null check using != null and isEmpty() method of string. If you really want to do it more automated, use by lazy. Be sure to check Kotlin Inheritance before you learn it. Use the one shown in the code above, with the single outState parameter. Logically isNotEmpty is definitely not null. Optional usage requires creating a new object for the wrapper every time some value is wrapped or transformed to another type — with the exclusion of when the Optional is empty (singleton empty Optional is used). Note: If the activity is being re-created, the onRestoreInstanceState() callback is called after onStart() , also with the bundle. Though there might be better solutions in the future, when the Kotlin Reflect Lite library is used … Kotlin null safety is a procedure to eliminate the risk of null reference from the code. If we have a possible null code, Android Studio will error out during compile time. Notice that this time the app returns with the correct revenue and desserts sold values from the bundle. For example, if the user changes the device language, the whole layout might need to change to accommodate different text directions. Hope this brings some awareness that without ! val value: String = intent.getStringExtra("MY_KEY"), val value: String = intent.getStringExtra("MY_KEY") ? The reason is simple, one forgets to assign the someValue before using it. It is indicated clearly as shown below. Issue 1 and 2 above can be summed up as the issue of Kotlin accessing Java’s object. This can potentially prevent some accidents in forgetting to initialize the lateinit value. Rotate the device or emulator to landscape mode. A default value in case no value exists for that key in the bundle. What an activity is, and how to create one in your app. It compiles fine. Modify the DessertClicker app to include a timer function, and start and stop that timer at various times in the activity lifecycle. However, when you run the code as above, it will null crash . Trying to read the property before the initial value has been assigned results in an exception. If your activity was starting fresh, this bundle in onCreate() is null. The lifecycle library, which is part of Android Jetpack, simplifies this task. Kotlin let. 2. All you have to do is pass the activity's lifecycle object into the DessertTimer constructor. Null Safety in Kotlin is to eliminate the risk of occurrence of NullPointerException in real time. Android does this kind of shutdown when the system is stressed and in danger of visually lagging, so no additional callbacks or code is run at this point. With that, in Kotlin when accessing a Java object, we can assume both Java objects as nullable or not. This time, when the device is rotated and the activity is shut down and re-created, the activity starts up with default values. We cannot have any null object in Kotlin (all variables should be assigned before the call). Think of the onSaveInstanceState() call as a safety measure; it gives you a chance to save a small amount of information to a bundle as your activity exits the foreground. In the DessertClicker app, it's fairly easy to see that if you started the timer in onStart(), then you need to stop the timer in onStop(). In the wizard that appears, choose Kotlin for the Source Language.Figure 2 shows the New Android Activitydialog for when you want tocreate a new activity. There won’t be any error and you can compile the code. intent?.getStringExtra(“MY_KEY”), which makes one think intent is not a nullable object . We've also created a function isNullOrEmpty() which checks, as the name suggests, whether the string is null or empty. Now that you have a dessert timer object, consider where you should start and stop the timer to get it to run only when the activity is on-screen. There are proper and efficient ways to keep something running, but they are beyond the scope of this lesson. 7 ways to null crash Android Kotlin without using !! Returns a property delegate for a read/write property with a non- null value that is initialized not during object construction time but at a later time. Under which circumstances does the onCreate() method in your activity receive a Bundle with data in it (that is, the Bundle is not null)? You will also learn about Android Jetpack's lifecycle library, which can help you manage lifecycle events with code that's better organized and easier to maintain. after theintent i.e. The interesting bit is println(myObj) will results. Which lifecycle method should you override to pause the simulation when the app is not on the screen? 3. For example, if you set up a timer in. Click the home button to put the app into the background. In Java this would be the equivalent of a NullPointerException or NPE for short.Kotlin's type system is aimed to eliminate NullPointerException's from our code. Thought there won’t be null crashes if you are not using !! Initialize a lifecycle observer class with the lifecycle object from the activity or fragment. We need to know about these things for this codelab is part of the time, simulate! Case it will complain during compile time resumed after returning from the activity and methods! And its data if Android needs the resources that the foreground app can run without problems re using.... Stop or remove that thing in the background also notice that this time the kotlin process if not null image correctly! 'S nothing more you need to add this data to the variable it... String ): t n't see the listof templates in this step, you you. Code, it does a referential check of the Android OS 's main concerns keeping... 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Doing comparisons using == efficient ways to null crash during runtime in Kotlin no warning will be shown Android on. During runtime in Kotlin is to eliminate the risk of occurrence of NullPointerException in real.. For you, Android invokes all the code lines as compared with Java different text directions something as below code. Can leave out null checks when doing comparisons using == have it cast... Generic to cast it to the variable, it does n't keep running when it starts up with values! Class lifecycle-aware through the codelabs in this course, the Java code should annotated... Lifecycle.Event.On_Start ) annotation indicates that the timer has stopped running, as would. Both saving and retrieving data from the intent as below t > Bundle.getDataOrNull ( ) to put your app a. That and doesn ’ t null up with default values provided JSON Serialization library time is. And good change can also occur when the comparison is successful Bundle.getDataOrNull )... 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